Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Fruit Apperature


Headless Photo

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Assignment 2: Things Unseen

When watching a baseball your eyes never register the fence. The camera does. Thing unseen.

When something is not eye level it is usually skipped over. These lamps are not usually noticed. Thing unseen.

Parent in the background watching their kid, lifeguard talking in the chair. Both things not noticed by anyone. Thing unseen.

Kids jumping off the diving board, ignoring the diving board rules behind them. Thing unseen.

Construction sign asking to use the other sidewalk but there isn't another side walk. People walk right by it. Thing unseen.

Not sure what these things are on Michigan Ave, but I drive by them everyday and have never noticed them before. Nor anyone else walking by it. Thing unseen.

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Assignment 1: What Defines Me

This is Bruiser, he defines me because he is the only man who lives in my apartment and is turning out to be higher maintenance then I am.

This is my car, she defines me because of all the hard work I had to do to be able to buy for her this summer all by myself. She is my biggest financial accomplishment yet.

These flowers define me because I am known to almost always have fresh flowers and plants around my apartment, even in the colder months.

These apartments define me because this is where I live. It is my first apartment and my new home for 9 months.

My phone defines me because I practically live through my phone. Its how I keep in touch with people, get directions, and stay connected to the outside world.